
New Moon in Leo 31st July 2019 :: Your soul’s purpose

Cover New Moon Ritual

This New Moon I’m celebrating a massive new cycle.

Last New Moon I was literally on a flight between Italy-Amsterdam and Bonaire, an island in the Caribbean where I am calling home for a few years. 

I cannot say how exciting this journey has been and what it means in terms of the service I can offer to you and this beautiful community of conscious women committed to their health and happiness that we created.

My main intention in this blog is to give you some creative insights for this period starting today with the New Moon in Leo. 


Today is the perfect timing to starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviours, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

This New Moon in Leo, square with Uranus, brings unexpected change, uncertainty, anxiety, and tension. It can lead to unpredictable behaviour, rebelliousness, abruptness and rapid changes in direction. 

The best way to handle this impulsive energy is to be proactive about positive change with open-mindedness and flexibility. A change could lead to a brave new path which opens your life to many more possibilities and opportunities (source: Astrology King). 

At the same time, this New Moon is inviting us to weave compassion and care for others in the structure of society (yum, love that!). 

As you are being guided into a spectrum of change and the areas of LOVE and FINANCE being specially activated, you are compelled to ask yourself:

Where can I serve? What’s my purpose?

In what ways can my services add compassion and care into the world?

How can I combine my passion and financial lives in a way that one supports the other (after all, both of these are rooted in your sacral chakra, right)?

Let me make this simply and easy: Your purpose is to raise consciousness, that’s it. We are pioneers of the New Age, and that’s what we came here to do. It’s not an easy task, but it’s a simple answer. 

How do we do this? Again, nice and simple: by sharing your medicine.

And we boil down to… what’s your medicine?

It can be meditation, dance, yoga, coaching, music, or … essential oils. You know what it is. Let is speak through you. 


When I was a child I used to say that I wanted to be part of Doctors Without Borders. I swear that was my 5-year-old dream. Looking into my life today, that’s exactly what I do. I’m in 3 different countries / continents this year and I’m sharing medicines and healing everywhere I go, as a result I can see that I am a Natural Doctors Without Borders.

A Plant Based Medicine Doctor Without Borders. Isn’t that freakin awesome? This insight stroke me only a few days ago! 

I haven’t really chosen Essential Oils as my medicine. It chose me. It came to me, helped me in my healing process, and invited me over and over to get that bottle, open, smell and share. Every time I shared an oil and saw how other person also felt guided by that plant medicine, I felt it as a voice in my heart saying: “go there”, “follow this track”.  

Today I am starting a complete new life in an island and having wonderful projects to share with you soon. At the same time, our team of leaders and educators are growing. If you also share this dream of location, time and financial freedom, please hit me up. It will be my pleasure to help you get started.


Remember our intention to be open minded, flexible and open for change? Great. Let’s get two oils for that:

– TANGERINE and/or CITRUS BLISS: this is your creativity bomb. The citrus aroma and freshness of this oil or blend is fantastic to inspire you to be in a more creative space of how to deal with the new and create from the unknown. 

– CYPRESS: This oil is all about surrendering to the flow. Everything flows better with this oil, from your blood circulation to your ideas and energy. It will be help you letting go of rigidity, perfectionism, resistance to the new while having perfect trust in the flow of life. Note: avoid this one if you are pregnant. 


Sit in silence and let’s get to our meditation.

With  a straight spine, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Now visualise a copper stream of energy coming from the center of Earth up to the bottom of your feet. This energetic flow goes up your legs all the way to the base of your spine. Feel the intensity of Earthly energy. 

Visualise a golden stream of energy of light coming from the sky, all the way up in the stars, and down into your crown. This light will go down from your crown through your spine. All the way to your sacral chakra. Feel the expansion in Universal Energy. 

See these two energies blending and forming one big whole. They expand through your body, making a beautiful circle around yourself. Enjoy this state. 

From this space, simply ask mentally – without having to look for answers today, just ask:

  • How can I serve to make the world a more compassionate place?
  • What’s my medicine? 
  • Who needs my medicine right now?

This ritual is different cause we are not looking for answers straight away. They will come. Trust me. Or better, trust yourself 😉 

Allow whatever thoughts to come. You can journal at the end, but you don’t have to. If you have a few intentions, just write them on a piece of paper and plant them in a flower pot or garden in your house. 

If you want to have more ideas on New Moon Rituals and different essential oils that you can use, check the last blog posts here.

You haven’t gotten these oils at home yet? Just send me a message and I will explain you how.

All the love to you, Isadora. 

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