
New Moon in Taurus 22nd April 2020 :: Recollecting ourselves

New Moon in Taurus, time to recollect ourselves

This New Moon in Taurus invites us to reconnect to that what makes us feel connected, grounded, free and alive. It will bring unexpected changes, excitement and even a sense of rebellion. At this point, is our choice if we are going to label these changes good or bad.

In the confinement from our homes, we are reclaiming how love lives in us, as we seed a potent new chapter where we take the wheel of our fate and happiness. (Mystic Mamma).

On Wednesday, the New Moon in Taurus comes to teach us to enjoy the riches of the Earth plane, to be resourceful, to know what we value, to dig in and work for what we want, to use the fecundity all around us to create abundance, and to value stability, consistency, and loyalty.  (Pat Lies).


On a personal growth level, our challenge is to strengthen our sense of inner security, rather than relying on outer circumstances to reassure us. (Pam Younghans)

We are building the foundations of how we want to show up in this New Earth that emerges from the crisis. In the face of challenges we can opt for feeling depressed, restricted or weighted down. But it’s also time to call in the power we have to cleanse the clutter out of our minds, and out of our lives. It’s time to be open for hope and receive abundance in terms of love, joy and daily pleasures. Even in isolation, you can find the joy of life in the smallest moments like smelling the scent of your favorite essential oil.


The New Moon position to Uranus and Saturn are bringing many unexpected events in the coming four weeks. At the same time, it is also calling us to focus on inner stability and clean out the clutter from our minds so that we find within ourselves the resilience to navigate through events.


In this ritual, I am sharing three essential oils that will: bring more clarity, heal past traumas, focus on the positive, hope and abundance of opportunities for growth in this phase.

Lemon: It’s time for a character check. This essential oil is an “all things cleanser. It will support you in cleaning up the clutter in your mind and life, cleansing your home from negative energies and finding a positive focus on what really matters to you.

Jasmine: Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and sensuality. Because of this, it invites pleasure back into our lives. Jasmine is a wonderful essential oil to reconnect to your sensuality and also to let go of old trauma. This month, Jasmin is part of a dōTERRA Precious Florals Collection. I strongly advice you checking it out here. Besides the benefits cited above, this essential oil also allows us to integrate the qualities of the Divine Feminine as we navigate into the New Era.

Wild Orange: At any event in life we have a choice of how we want to respond. Wild Orange is an essential oil that reminds us to respond to events from a place of lightness, abundance and joy. It invites us to find the joy in the small moments, even when chaos seems to reign outside. With all the changes in the current financial system, this is also a good month to get your finances right. Wild Orange is the oil of abundance, supporting you to see there is enough and you can trust in opening your heart to receive your desires with effortless ease (yes, also during crisis).


The irreverence of the New Moon In Taurus is inviting us to be flexible into many aspects of our lives. It’s time to make an inventory of where we are going, our finances AND at the same time, remember to celebrate sexiness in everyday experiences.

Today’s ritual incorporates not only an invitation to meditate and reflect but also getting hands on. Make sure that you schedule some time in the coming week to take a closer look into your finances and get that straight and organised. It’s the best time of the year for you to do it.

Get your oils with you. Rub some Jasmine on your heart and your womb. Now apply a few drops of lemon and wild orange together on the palm of your hand and take some deep inhales into this citrus heaven. Close your eyes, and meditate for about 10-20 minutes. You might want to bring the palm of your hands from time to time to your face, to connect with that clarity and abundance.


Invite your spirit guides, open your eyes and get your journal to reflect upon the following questions:

  • What are daily habits and small actions that can make my life better right now?
  • Which are the things that I love, that give me pleasure that I have been forgetting to practice or to bring into my life?
  • Who or what pushes my energy down and need to be left in the last season?
  • What are my true priorities in life at this moment? Do I need to be more proactive or more easy going with something?
  • Do I have a clear overview of my financial assets and liabilities? Am I aware of how I spend/invest the money that I earn? If the answer is “no”, set up a time in your agenda in the coming days to get that organised.

Remember: today is the perfect day to plant the seeds of the person you want to be as the world changes, and so do we.

As a final note… just felt like saying, thanks for being here. I love you.

Stay safe, be well.


Get your free Lunar Cycle and Essential Oils Guide.

This beautifully designed e-book covers the 4 MOON PHASES, practices to tune into the moon and what essential oils you can use in each phase:


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